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Why Choose Chiropractic Care for Auto Injury Treatment?

Written By Big Bend Chiropractic on July 21, 2020

rsz autoaccident2Florida is one of the most dangerous states in the country for drivers and passengers.

In 2019, over 254 thousand people sustained injuries in over 400 thousand vehicle accidents. 

After an accident, it’s important to seek prompt auto injury treatment – regardless of whether you feel hurt or not. 

Proactive treatment is vital for avoiding long-term complications and chronic pain. Here’s why chiropractic is the perfect choice.

3 Reasons Chiropractic is the Best Choice after an Auto Accident

Chiropractors have a comprehensive understanding of the musculoskeletal system and the long-term impact of even micro-injuries.

  1. Chiropractic Care is Proactive

Your chiropractic doctor won’t tell you to go home, pop a Motrin, and come back when the pain gets worse. No, he or she will jump into action at once recommending adjustments, stretches, and exercises.

Proactive treatment is critical to avoiding long-term problems. A study found that 45% of patients with chronic neck pain could trace the source back to a vehicle accident.

  1. It’s Drug-Free and Non-Invasive

Chiropractic care is an all-natural solution. Your chiropractic doctor will never prescribe dangerous opioids which take the lives of 129 Americans each day. He or she also won’t recommend invasive surgery unless you’ve exhausted all other treatment options.

  1. Most Insurance Plans Cover Chiropractic Care

At Big Bend Chiropractic in Tallahassee, we accept most major insurance plans. Likewise, most insurance plans cover chiropractic care as auto injury treatment.

Comprehensive Auto Injury Treatment in Tallahassee

Dr. Mike of Big Bend Chiropractic in Tallahassee has over 20 years of experience helping patients recover from auto injuries ranging from simple to complex. His office provides a wide range of therapeutic modalities, such as gentle chiropractic care and massage, to help your body heal. 

On your first visit, Dr. Mike will ask questions about your accident and order x-rays to understand the extent of any injuries. From there, you’ll work together to reduce immediate pain and set your body up for long-term recovery.

Don’t wait for an auto injury to progress into chronic pain. Schedule an appointment at Big Bend Chiropractic in Tallahassee today by calling 850-668-4200.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatment